
Wednesday was the best and funniest day ever. We had circus and a disco and they were amazing. Our performance was a bit silly and we laughed alot but it was cool. The disco was loud but crazy cool.  My legs got saw and then my dad picked me up. My father picked me up and i was so sad but I went home anyway.


when we went to circus this wednsday. Nina and Zia brought all of their circus toys in. And lots of people enjoyed the stuff that they brought in. And when i was doing it i tryed out the fans and ribben. Next week we are going to be doing a a practice circus and i will be doing ribben and fans and i llike the plates but i dont want to do them because there really hard to do.


There is this day when all the year seven’s come to one class and all the year six’s go to another class. All the year seven’s do tech what we do is sewing,  cooking and wood work. I did sewing first we had to it on paper. Next week we are going to make a eye pillow.

Taco bay


who: we are getting this idea from marion townes because she is a famous landscape  artist.

What:a landscape that I can draw and sketch for pet day.

Why? For pet day we will all compete.

Where. Taco bay a lovely area/

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